By choosing to compare two folders, I will be able to compare all the files with the same name. This window allows you to choose two folders or two files to compare. Just follow the guide.Īt the very top left of the interface, click on "File", then "Open", you get the window below: You are ready, you will be able to compare 2 folders or 2 files very easily. So you're ready to use it, yoshaaaaa, let's get started. If not, launch it, you are now on the Winmerge interface which should look like the image below. If you followed step 1, you got lost on the Winmerge site for a few seconds or several minutes in order to download the software that will make it easier for you to manage your files and folders, you made a donation to them, and then you installed it.Īfter the installation, Winmerge opens. I give you the link to download Winmerge, don't thank me right away, the donation button is at the end of the article. This step may seem simple at first glance, but it can be more complex than you may or may not realize. WinMerge is convenient, easy to use, free, open source and available in many languages. The answer can be found here, in this tutorial, so welcome. How to update these 2 files, selecting different parts of each, to finally form a single file? How to compare two files or two folders easily? Or you are simply someone who asks himself the following question(s):
and you have two different versions of a file (old and new version of a script, a document.). You are a developer, a webmaster, a hacker, a writer, a student.